Invention, création, recherche : l’exemple d’un projet pluridisciplinaire technologique au Musée des Arts et Métiers

Publication en cours Le projet  de recherche PLUG a rassemblé des chercheurs en informatique et réseau, en sciences de l’information et de la communication, en design, des responsables de collection et des actions pédagogiques du Musée des Arts et Métiers, et des game-designers. Notre article analyse la façon dont ces différents acteurs ont trouvé les… Poursuivre la lecture Invention, création, recherche : l’exemple d’un projet pluridisciplinaire technologique au Musée des Arts et Métiers

3DLife Kick Off Meeting in London

The 3DLife project  in which we ‘ll be involved for the year was launched in London in the beginning of january. Here is our presentation that is both a reminder of our activities and propositions for inputs in the project. [slideshare id=3819506&doc=3dlifedesignit2-100422114037-phpapp01]

ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

This year we chose to work specifically on the question of linguistic and cultural diversity and how to design services and interfaces that take into consideration the fact that we might be “Lost in Translation” for the better or for the worst. In addition to classes on design methodology, we invited experts on this question:… Poursuivre la lecture ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity


ANR PROJECT / COST 2102 ACTION // 2007-2010 / Institut Télécom, ImagineR The Myblog 3D project was to foster mutual perception between internet users who communicate and share objects within a 3d virtual space. The demonstrator we designed for this project was a recruiting training tool.

Mobicase ’09

Workshop on Innovative Mobile User Interactivity, San Diego, USA, October 26-29, 2009.   Designing mobility: pervasiveness as the enchanting tool of mobility, Annie Gentes, Camille Jutant, Aude Guyot, Michel Simatic.   Abstract:  PLUG – Play Ubiquitous Games -, is a research project that deployed a fully distributed RFID architecture in the Museum of Arts and… Poursuivre la lecture Mobicase ’09

Springer – Gaming on the Move

>> Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design Annie Gentes, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Isabelle Demeure Abstract: In this paper, we describe a pervasive treasure hunting game: “Team exploration” based on the Transhumance mobile ad-hoc network platform. The testers of this game came up with innovative suggestions that combined… Poursuivre la lecture Springer – Gaming on the Move