Ambre Charpier

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Grounded design as an alternative to design thinking – La Conception Ancrée comme alternative au design thinking

What if “thinking out the box” was counterproductive for innovation processes in organizations? How do we weave together knowledge about organizations and their environments and creative design tasks? How can we ground design in the identity and culture of the organization? What are the methods we need to develop to help people innovate in situation?… Poursuivre la lecture Grounded design as an alternative to design thinking – La Conception Ancrée comme alternative au design thinking

Samuel Lacroix (U.C)

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Dorian Reunkrilerk

Dorian Reunkrilerk, PhD candidate Supervision : Annie Gentès (HDR) et Estelle Berger (Co-encadrante) Research topic : Savoir/faire l’expérience du design : exploration des formes d’exposition au design en entreprise. Cette recherche prend racines dans des expériences professionnelles dans le champ du design et des musées en tant que designer et curateur. Elle se base sur la notion… Poursuivre la lecture Dorian Reunkrilerk

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Justine Peneau

Justine Peneau, PhD candidate After graduating, in 2015, my Research Master degree : Design, Media, Technologies in which I became interested in the question of narrative and fiction as a design and mediation tool for design and more particularly critical design,  I have integrated the Michel Serres Center for one semester in an interdisciplinary project… Poursuivre la lecture Justine Peneau

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Estelle Chaillat

Estelle Chaillat — PHD STUDENT Annie Gentes (Directrice 50%) : Sciences de l’information et de la communication Uriel Hazan (Co-Directeur 25%) : Biologie / Virologie Anne Lefebvre (Co-encadrante 25%) : Philosophie des techniques SUJET DE RECHERCHE  /  RESEARCH TOPIC Cette recherche s’intéresse aux pratiques visuelles des scientifiques expérimentaux: nous cherchons à déterminer si ces dernières peuvent être étudiées… Poursuivre la lecture Estelle Chaillat

Biennale Internationale Design 2017

Our long-time collaborator Tiphaine Kazi-Tani was one of the associate curator to the Biennale Internationale Design 2017, which took place this spring in Saint-Étienne. This 10th edition explored the contemporary paradigmatic shifts in the world of work, from humans-as-a-service to worldwide real-time cooperation, from fablabs to digital labor. Chapters written by Tiphaine can be found… Poursuivre la lecture Biennale Internationale Design 2017

Industrial relationships: Chair on Theory and Models of Conception

The Codesign Lab leads a research theme of the Chair “Theory and Models of Innovative Conception”, founded by Ecole des Mines. The TMCI chair is supported by 11 industrial partners. We focus on “strange objects”. The hype on internet of things, new robot-like objects, teleactivities and hybrid approaches between artistic and technical creations are… Poursuivre la lecture Industrial relationships: Chair on Theory and Models of Conception