EnsadLab Seminar

. This course is given to EnsadLab/ Sociable Media (2013-14) List of talks: Writing papers Rhetoric & paper analysis Introduction to qualitative methodologies Analysis of Wendy’s papers Methods for analysing artefacts Using methods SLideshare to be uploaded soon Back to the courses list

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M2 Design, médias et technologies

Le Master 2 spécialisé en design, médias et technologies est un Master 2 co-habilité entre Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne, Telecom ParisTech, avec la participation de l’ENSCI les ateliers (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle). Les étudiants Le M2 Design, Médias et Technologies est ouvert aux étudiants de l’université Paris 1, de Telecom ParisTech et de… Poursuivre la lecture M2 Design, médias et technologies

Digital Creation’10 – Students’ Works

The chosen issue for the 2010 digital creation course was how to interact with objects that you cannot touch, specially with ones from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs’s collections. Students of Telecom ParisTech had to produce representations and scenarios of use who poetically explore the potentials of new media but also of photography, video and… Poursuivre la lecture Digital Creation’10 – Students’ Works

IT Design course

The ICT design course is organized by 3 schools : TELECOM ParisTech, ENSCI-Les Ateliers (www.ensci.com) and Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne. It is about : design and its relations to the technical artefact, design & innovation methodologies. » more on the pedagocical website IT Design ’10: Designing for linguistic and cultural diversity In 2010 we… Poursuivre la lecture IT Design course

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Digital Creation

This course aims at: observing contemporary aesthetics and analyzing works of art questioning the specificity of digital arts. developping students’ creativity through a personal poetic multimedia project. » more on the pedagogical website Each year students work on a different theme. Digital Creation ’10 : « Forbidden Touch in Museums » The chosen issue for… Poursuivre la lecture Digital Creation

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ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

This year we chose to work specifically on the question of linguistic and cultural diversity and how to design services and interfaces that take into consideration the fact that we might be “Lost in Translation” for the better or for the worst. In addition to classes on design methodology, we invited experts on this question:… Poursuivre la lecture ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

Master Design Telecom ParisTech – Sorbonne Nouvelle – ENSCI

Le Master 2 spécialisé en design, médias et technologies est un Master 2  co-habilité entre Paris 1- Panthéon Sorbonne, Telecom ParisTech, avec la participation de l’ENSCI les ateliers (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle). Les étudiants : Le M2 Design, Médias et Technologies est ouvert aux étudiants de l’université Paris 1, de Telecom ParisTech et… Poursuivre la lecture Master Design Telecom ParisTech – Sorbonne Nouvelle – ENSCI