Article paru sur le site Gaité Live le Jeudi 11 avril 2013. Gaitelive est le média en ligne de la Gaité Lyrique qui explore en long, en large et en travers les Cultures Numériques. Extraits: […] “Dissocier les objets techniques que l’Homme produit pour transformer son rapport au monde de l’imaginaire qu’il associe à ces… Poursuivre la lecture Lutter contre l’exclusion : les oeuvres-réseaux de Wachter & Jud (parution Gaité Live)
Étiquette : media
Construction, diffusion et circulation d’objets culturels pendant la révolution égyptienne 2011-2012
Street-Tahrir: scripts citoyens et miroirs numériques Présentation de François Huguet, doctorant au CoDesign Lab & Media Studies à l’atelier du lundi du Département Sciences Economiques et Sociales de Telecom Paris Tech (19 mars 2012) et au colloque international « Usages et pratiques des publics dans les pays du Sud : des médias classiques aux… Poursuivre la lecture Construction, diffusion et circulation d’objets culturels pendant la révolution égyptienne 2011-2012
ICT Design ’10 – Students’ Works
Traditore de Louis-Jean Teitelbaum Une application pour Ipad qui optimise le travail de traduction. plus d’infos sur :
Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”
The engineering design and innovation program at Mines ParisTech, (research institute, engineering school and member of ParisTech), is based on recent transformations of design in companies, which have put the established engineering design methods, used in companies and taught in engineering schools, into question. Innovative design has emerged as a new contemporary challenge for the… Poursuivre la lecture Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”
Design Issues in 3d Environments
In the context of 3DLife, European Network of Excellence (2010-2013), we propose to consider what could be a virtual space of mediation, where the different research partners could meet and exchange. The problem in IT research projects that involve partners located all over Europe is to manage distances, to ensure the coordination of activities, to… Poursuivre la lecture Design Issues in 3d Environments
3DLife Kick Off Meeting in London
The 3DLife project in which we ‘ll be involved for the year was launched in London in the beginning of january. Here is our presentation that is both a reminder of our activities and propositions for inputs in the project. [slideshare id=3819506&doc=3dlifedesignit2-100422114037-phpapp01]
ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity
This year we chose to work specifically on the question of linguistic and cultural diversity and how to design services and interfaces that take into consideration the fact that we might be “Lost in Translation” for the better or for the worst. In addition to classes on design methodology, we invited experts on this question:… Poursuivre la lecture ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity
COST ’08
COST 2102 Action ’08 – 1st International Training School, Vietri, April 2008. Multimodal Human Machines Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Annie Gentès. Abstract: Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls… Poursuivre la lecture COST ’08
Musées et technologies mobiles – Entretiens du nouveau monde industriel
Entretiens du Nouveau Monde Industriel – IRI-Centre Pompidou, Paris, 2007. Musées et technologies mobiles : une nouvelle cour du visiteur, Annie Gentès, in Le design de nos existences à l’époque de l’innovation ascendante, sous la direction de Bernard Stiegler, Ed. Mille et Une Nuits, 2008.
Second Life, une mise en jeu des medias
Second Life, un monde possible – Ed. Les Petits Matins, sous la direction d’Agnès de Cayeux et de Cécile Guibert, October 2007. Second Life, une mise en jeu des medias, Annie Gentès.