
EUROPEAN PROJECT // 2006-2008 / TELECOM ParisTech / Thalès  Popeye is an european project about ad hoc wifi.  

Vidéo in Disguise

VIDI was a research program on self exposure through video and graphic communication. People from TELECOM ParisTech and ENSCI-Les Ateliers worked on this project during 2007.     “Open Display” / “Instant Video Messenger” / “Répondeur vidéo” – Grégory Lacoua, Matthew Marino, Denis Pellerin        “Chat scénarisé” – Laure Duchaussoy, Victor Fromond                            “Atome” –… Poursuivre la lecture Vidéo in Disguise


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ICEC ’09 – International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Paris, France, September 3-5, 2009.    “Plug: Secrets of the Museum”: A Pervasive Game Taking Place in a Museum, Michel Simatic, Isabelle Astic, Coiline Aunis, Annie Gentes, Aude Guyot, Camille Jutant, Emmanuel Zaza.   Abstract: “Plug: Secrets of the Museum” (PSM) is a game played with NFC-enabled mobile… Poursuivre la lecture ICEC’09

Communications et Strategies – Pervasive Gaming

Communications et strategies – N°73 “New challenges for the video game industry”, 1st quarter 2009.    Pervasive Gaming: Testing Future Context Aware Applications,  Annie Gentes, Camille Jutant.   Abstract: More and more technical research projects take place that weave together elements of real and virtual life to provide a new experience defined as pervasive. They bank on the… Poursuivre la lecture Communications et Strategies – Pervasive Gaming


Mindtrek ’08 – International Digital Media and Business Conference, October 7-9, 2008, Tampere, Finland.    Gaming on the Move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design, Annie Gentès, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Isabelle Demeure.   Abstract: In this paper, we describe a pervasive treasure hunting game:“Team exploration” based on the Transhumance ad hoc wifi platform. The… Poursuivre la lecture Mindtrek’08

CoGames ’08

 CoGames ’08 – 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Games (CoGames 2008), May 2008, Irvine, California, USA.  Transhumance: a Platform on a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork Challenging Collaborative Gaming,  Isabelle Demeure, Annie Gentès, Julien Stuyck, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Ludovic Martin.   Abstract: The goal of the Transhumance project is to devise a software platform to support the execution of… Poursuivre la lecture CoGames ’08

COST ’08

COST 2102 Action ’08 – 1st International Training School, Vietri, April 2008.  Multimodal Human Machines Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Annie Gentès.   Abstract: Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls… Poursuivre la lecture COST ’08