CoGames ’08

 CoGames ’08 – 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Games (CoGames 2008), May 2008, Irvine, California, USA.

 Transhumance: a Platform on a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork Challenging Collaborative Gaming

Isabelle Demeure, Annie Gentès, Julien Stuyck, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Ludovic Martin.


Abstract: The goal of the Transhumance project is to devise a software platform to support the execution of collaborative applications in a mobile ad hoc network. The application designed to demonstrate the Transhumance platform is a pervasive collaborative treasure hunting game named “Team Exploration”. The paper presents this application. It describes the functionalities of the Transhumance platform. It then proposes an analysis of the mobile ad hoc network technology characteristics and potential for future collaborative games through the experience gained in designing and experimenting with the game “Team Exploration”.

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