Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”

The engineering design and innovation program at Mines ParisTech, (research institute, engineering school and member of ParisTech), is based on recent transformations of design in companies, which have put the established engineering design methods, used in companies and taught in engineering schools, into question. Innovative design has emerged as a new contemporary challenge for the competitiveness of organizations and the education of design engineersbut has also instigated new research efforts on emerging mo dels for collective action.

The program unfolds in three main directions – models of design reasoning, organization of design activities and economy of design. The research program has resulted in several international publications that defend original theoretical propositions in various disciplines (engineering,strategy, economy…) and a number of collaborative activities with industrial partners on intensive innovation.

[slideshare id=3706853&doc=seminairedesignecoledesmines-100413035644-phpapp02]

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