Le “Design Marabout n°1” c’est le mercredi 3 mai à 19h au Centre Pompidou

Le Design Fiction relance-t-il l’innovation… droit dans le mur ?   Le Centre Pompidou vous invite à une conférence de Max Mollon suivie d’un débat avec Tiphaine Kazi-Tani (designer chercheur.e, Cité du design de St-Etienne) et David Benqué (designer chercheur, Royal College of Arts, Londres) en dialogue avec le public. Modération : Romain Lacroix   Max Mollon est designer, enseignant et doctorant… Poursuivre la lecture Le “Design Marabout n°1” c’est le mercredi 3 mai à 19h au Centre Pompidou


Context: e-learning again? The emergence of the Internet has opened up many opportunities for distance learning. Hundreds of initiatives have been launched either by institutions involved in formal learning or by organizations interested by unformal learning These platforms either complete face to face classes or operate in total autonomy. Introducing such a platform in a learning situation fundamentally changes… Poursuivre la lecture VUE

Ubimedia-Bells Labs Application Research

  Researching Application Research: my Stay with the Application Research Department in Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs “It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame”. Marshall McLuhan “Application” research is one the trickiest fields as it relies on technologies that are to be identified, analyzed, not… Poursuivre la lecture Ubimedia-Bells Labs Application Research

Richard Harper – Engineering Sociology

Why sociologists should learn about engineering. An inspiring talk about the way   disciplines look at things by Richard Harper, Professor of Socio-Digital Systems, Principal Researcher, Socio-Digital Systems, Microsoft Research, Cambridge. A video of his presentation in Telecom ParisTech: http://www.telecom-paristech.fr/etudiants/films/experts-STIC-SES/experts-STIC-SES.htm

Research Project: “Regards Augmentés”

Forbidden Touch and New Media in Museums The co-design lab works on a research project taking place within the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. http://www.lesartsdecoratifs.fr/ ENSCI website: http://parisdesignlab.hypotheses.org/206 Our focus on the project is how to interact with objects that you cannot touch. We are producing representations and scenarios of use with the students… Poursuivre la lecture Research Project: “Regards Augmentés”

Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”

The engineering design and innovation program at Mines ParisTech, (research institute, engineering school and member of ParisTech), is based on recent transformations of design in companies, which have put the established engineering design methods, used in companies and taught in engineering schools, into question. Innovative design has emerged as a new contemporary challenge for the… Poursuivre la lecture Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”

Design Issues in 3d Environments

In the context of “3DLife”, European Network of Excellence (2010-2013), we propose to consider what could be a virtual space of mediation, where the different research partners could meet and exchange. The problem in IT research projects that involve partners located all over Europe is to manage distances, to ensure the coordination of activities, to… Poursuivre la lecture Design Issues in 3d Environments

3DLife Kick Off Meeting in London

The 3DLife project  in which we ‘ll be involved for the year was launched in London in the beginning of january. Here is our presentation that is both a reminder of our activities and propositions for inputs in the project. [slideshare id=3819506&doc=3dlifedesignit2-100422114037-phpapp01]

ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

This year we chose to work specifically on the question of linguistic and cultural diversity and how to design services and interfaces that take into consideration the fact that we might be “Lost in Translation” for the better or for the worst. In addition to classes on design methodology, we invited experts on this question:… Poursuivre la lecture ICT Design ’10 – Designing for Linguistic and Cultural Diversity


ANR PROJECT / COST 2102 ACTION // 2007-2010 / Institut Télécom, ImagineR The Myblog 3D project was to foster mutual perception between internet users who communicate and share objects within a 3d virtual space. The demonstrator we designed for this project was a recruiting training tool.