ANR PROJECT // 2006-2008 / TELECOM ParisTech / Thalès / Orange / 3IE The Transhumance project was to explore ad hoc wifi potentials. We worked on a specific game design for MANET : Team Exploration.
Étiquette : design
Mathilde Maitre’s essay Dir. Annie Gentes ENSCI, 2009 >> Cadre
Mobicase ’09
Workshop on Innovative Mobile User Interactivity, San Diego, USA, October 26-29, 2009. Designing mobility: pervasiveness as the enchanting tool of mobility, Annie Gentes, Camille Jutant, Aude Guyot, Michel Simatic. Abstract: PLUG Play Ubiquitous Games -, is a research project that deployed a fully distributed RFID architecture in the Museum of Arts and… Poursuivre la lecture Mobicase ’09
Springer – Gaming on the Move
>> Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design Annie Gentes, Aude Guyot-Mbodji, Isabelle Demeure Abstract: In this paper, we describe a pervasive treasure hunting game: Team exploration based on the Transhumance mobile ad-hoc network platform. The testers of this game came up with innovative suggestions that combined… Poursuivre la lecture Springer – Gaming on the Move
IADIS’08 – RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions
Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Algarve, Portugal, June 17 – 23,2009. RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions, Annie Gentes, Camille Jutant, Aude Guyot, Michel Simatic. Abstract: This paper presents a specific application of the RFID technology: the game Plug Secrets of the Museum (PSM). It takes place in the museum of Arts… Poursuivre la lecture IADIS’08 – RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions
Phd Ubimédia – Problématique de l’apprentissage dans le design des TIC
Thèse de Lalao Rakotoniaina sous la direction d’Annie Gentès La prolifération des outils de communication dans un contexte dinnovation permanente ne permet pas aux technologies de linformation et de la communication dacquérir une identité qui ancre les objets communicants dans une pratique stabilisée. La question posée au designer est donc de réfléchir aux modalités dapprentissage des… Poursuivre la lecture Phd Ubimédia – Problématique de l’apprentissage dans le design des TIC
EUROPEAN PROJECT // 2006-2008 / TELECOM ParisTech / Thalès Popeye is an european project about ad hoc wifi.
Vidéo in Disguise
VIDI was a research program on self exposure through video and graphic communication. People from TELECOM ParisTech and ENSCI-Les Ateliers worked on this project during 2007. “Open Display” / “Instant Video Messenger” / “Répondeur vidéo” – Grégory Lacoua, Matthew Marino, Denis Pellerin “Chat scénarisé” – Laure Duchaussoy, Victor Fromond “Atome” –… Poursuivre la lecture Vidéo in Disguise
COST ’08
COST 2102 Action ’08 – 1st International Training School, Vietri, April 2008. Multimodal Human Machines Interaction in Virtual and Augmented Reality, Annie Gentès. Abstract: Virtual worlds are developing rapidly over the Internet. They are visited by avatars and staffed with Embodied Conversational Agents (ECAs). An avatar is a representation of a physical person. Each person controls… Poursuivre la lecture COST ’08
Grand Colloque STIC ANR – November 2007. [slideshare id=3015519&doc=anrcodesign-100128091512-phpapp02]