Journées Doctorales de la SFSIC

The 21st and 22nd of May, Emeline presented a poster, called Les SIC au croisement des champs disciplinaires : le cas du design des objets dits “intelligents” (Media Studies at the crossroad of disciplines: the case of the so-called “smart” objects), at the SFSIC doctoral colloquium. ABSTRACT: Depuis quelque années, de nombreux objets se sont… Poursuivre la lecture Journées Doctorales de la SFSIC

Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate

Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate Anne-Lyse Renon is a graphic designer and PhD in Aesthetics and Anthropology from EHESS. Her Doctoral Thesis, realized between 2010 and 2016 at the Centre de Linguistique Anthropologique et Sociolinguistique, Institut Marcel Mauss (UMR 8178),  EHESS-CNRS, under the supervision of Victor Rosenthal is untitled “Design and Aesthetics in the practices of Science.”… Poursuivre la lecture Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate

Alexandra Borsari, Alumni

Alexandra Borsari – chercheuse nomade en anthropologie, alumni RESEARCH TOPIC [EN] : Nomadism and disruptive mobile micro dwelling experiments RESEARCH TOPIC [FR] : Nomadisme par les usages et le prototypage de mini maisons mobiles disruptives BIO [EN] : With my nomadic lifestyle, I practice slow full immersion to understand better the complexity of situations and… Poursuivre la lecture Alexandra Borsari, Alumni


Tiphaine Kazi-Tani was invited to present our « Misbehaving » research topic in Liège, at Les Ateliers de la Recherche en Design (ARD9). She summed up our questions and focused on our current conceptual issues. Link to the slides : Misbehaving & Design at ARD9

Conférence autour des travaux d’Anne-Françoise Schmid

La philosophie générique au coeur des sciences contemporaines Conférence autour des travaux d’Anne-Françoise Schmid 23 septembre 2014 Sous le patronage de la chaire « Théorie et Méthodes de la Conception Innovante » – Centre de Gestion Scientifique – MINES ParisTech “Des concepts mathématiques à l’obésité, les sciences contemporaines remettent en cause l’ambition de « synthèse… Poursuivre la lecture Conférence autour des travaux d’Anne-Françoise Schmid

Final Symposium of the ADAM project

« Reclaiming the Internet » with distributed architectures: rights, technologies, practices, innovation The research program ADAM (Distributed Architectures and Multimedia Applications, studies the technical, political, social, socio-cultural and legal implications of distributed network architectures. The final symposium of the ADAM project, open to disciplines as varied as science and technology studies, information and communication sciences,… Poursuivre la lecture Final Symposium of the ADAM project

La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay.

La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay. On october 15 and 16 a colloquium took place in ENS (école normale supérieure) de Cachan on design research as a potential issue for Université Paris-Saclay. The project was initiated by the Design department of ENS Cachan to assure its orientation toward research and to question… Poursuivre la lecture La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay.

Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)

Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar) Today, October the 2nd 2014, was the first seminar of “Design en Recherche”, the association of french Ph.D. students and recent doctors – untitled “Should we write the methods of design research?”. Seminar coordinated by Robin de Mourat (Université Rennes 2), Ioana Ocnarescu (École Nationale Supérieure… Poursuivre la lecture Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)

Frederic Valentin, PhD Candidate

Fred – PhD Candidate Supervision : Annie Gentès   Bio Frédéric Valentin is a PhD candidate in the Codesign Lab at Telecom Paris tech since 2014. Frédéric Graduated from école Boulle in product design and from ENS (école Normale Supérieure) de Cachan. His researches take interests in the impact of auto-production (both the means of… Poursuivre la lecture Frederic Valentin, PhD Candidate

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Anthony Ferretti, Research associate

Anthony Ferretti – Research associate Designer and co-founder of Collectif Bam | Research associate in CoDesign & Media Studies Lab, at Telecom ParisTech. Bio: Anthony Ferretti is an associate researcher of the CoDesign & Media Studies Lab at Telecom ParisTech. Graduated from ENSAAMA – Olivier de Serres (MA Industrial Design), and Paris 1 – Sorbonne (MA Design… Poursuivre la lecture Anthony Ferretti, Research associate

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