Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)

Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)

Today, October the 2nd 2014, was the first seminar of “Design en Recherche”, the association of french Ph.D. students and recent doctors – untitled “Should we write the methods of design research?”. Seminar coordinated by Robin de Mourat (Université Rennes 2), Ioana Ocnarescu (École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers ParisTech & Strate), Anne-Lyse Renon (EHESS, CNRS), Marine Royer (EHESS, ENSCI-Les Ateliers).

More informations + flickR album + storify + collective note-taking

This is a brief note to give my personal feedback right away after this event. The overall feeling is great, people are interested, generous and modest. The size of the network and the event makes everybody accessible. The intent was not to provide any deliverable but to bring questions. As Alain Findeli said: in such a short period of time, the young community of french design researchers raised “good questions” – even if they are sometimes a bit simple or straight forward – and that is already encouraging. Soon we will provide a full report including the video of the event, on the website of the association: Stay tuned.








Photos by Max Mollon

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