Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate

Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate Anne-Lyse Renon is a graphic designer and PhD in Aesthetics and Anthropology from EHESS. Her Doctoral Thesis, realized between 2010 and 2016 at the Centre de Linguistique Anthropologique et Sociolinguistique, Institut Marcel Mauss (UMR 8178),  EHESS-CNRS, under the supervision of Victor Rosenthal is untitled “Design and Aesthetics in the practices of Science.”… Poursuivre la lecture Anne-Lyse Renon, Research Associate

Alexandra Borsari, Alumni

Alexandra Borsari – chercheuse nomade en anthropologie, alumni RESEARCH TOPIC [EN] : Nomadism and disruptive mobile micro dwelling experiments RESEARCH TOPIC [FR] : Nomadisme par les usages et le prototypage de mini maisons mobiles disruptives BIO [EN] : With my nomadic lifestyle, I practice slow full immersion to understand better the complexity of situations and… Poursuivre la lecture Alexandra Borsari, Alumni

Tiphaine, Research associate

Tiphaine Kazi-Tani – Research Associate As a researcher, I’m currently trying to use a critical and philosophical framework to explore design as “dispositif”, but also the possibilities for design to resist hegemonic arrangements, considering that the historical role of design has always engaged its agency within apparatuses of power and knowledge. I explore informal /… Poursuivre la lecture Tiphaine, Research associate

Camille, PhD Alumni

Camille Jutant – PhD, Alumni Camille Jutant is Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) at ICOM, in the Information and Communication Research Team  ELICO. She’s also head of the Master “Développement de projets artistiques et culturels internationaux” (Development of international artistic and cultural projects) at the University of Lyon 2. RESEARCH TOPICS Publics and cultural experiences: Publics et… Poursuivre la lecture Camille, PhD Alumni

Michael, PhD Alumni

Michael Bourgatte | Research Engineer | PostDoc Position Digital Humanities & Visual Studies Research Topic: Audiovisual, Audiences, Digital Movies, Film & Video Technology, Uses, Video Annotation Bio: I am research engineer in a PostDoc position since Sept. 2010. I worked for 3 years at Télécom ParisTech. Since Oct. 2013 I joigned the research team of the Centre Edouard Branly –… Poursuivre la lecture Michael, PhD Alumni

Max, PhD Candidate

Max Mollon – PhD Candidate ♦ Voir    ›› cette page en français ♦ Check ›› publications & CV ♦ Check ›› academia ◊ Check ›› my non-academic profile ◊ Voir    ›› profile non-académique (FR)   I am a designer researcher, teacher and Ph.D. candidate, at SACRe PSL/ EnsadLab and Telecom ParisTech’s Codesign & Media Studies Lab, with a… Poursuivre la lecture Max, PhD Candidate

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Cedric, PhD Candidate

Cedric Mivielle – PhD Candidate Interaction design researcher by practice, PhD Candidate at TelecomParistech & Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs – Supervision: Annie Gentes / Nicolas Auray / Jean Baptiste Labrune Bio: Cédric Mivielle is a designer from « Ecole de Design de Nantes Atlantique », specialized in interaction design and innovative digital services and is also graduate from… Poursuivre la lecture Cedric, PhD Candidate

François, Alumni & Research Associate

  François Huguet –Alumni & Research Associate PhD in Digital Humanities (Media Studies / Sociology / Infrastructures Studies) – Research Topic: Communities, Commons, inverse infrastructures, ideologies, MESH networks, distributed architectures, values, devices as infrastructures networks, invention, research imaginary, Commotion, Community wireless networks, mobile peer-to-peer. Bio [EN]: PhD in Media Studies, my work takes place at the… Poursuivre la lecture François, Alumni & Research Associate

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Annie, Lab Director

Annie Gentes, Lab Director Annie Gentes is associate professor (Maître de conference HDR) in Information and Communication Sciences at Telecom ParisTech and Head of the Codesign and Media Studies Lab. She teaches a number of graduate courses in new media art, innovation and design and is co- head of the MA (M2 research) “Design, Media,… Poursuivre la lecture Annie, Lab Director

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