Indiscipline of Design: Bridging the Gap between Humanities and Engineering

Annie Gentes’ book on the In-discipline of Design is now published! For more information look at the dedicated website: “Indisciplineofdesign”. With examples coming from art, design, and engineering, she shows that the focus on technical functions and even social uses is not enough to come up with new designs. The Humanities as a reflective discipline… Poursuivre la lecture Indiscipline of Design: Bridging the Gap between Humanities and Engineering

“No thanks I don’t need a new chair.” – Oblique design practices, debate @Centre-pompidou Paris

INVITATION: 19h, ce Jeudi | next Thursday (8 dec. 2016), Parole au Centre Pompidou, “petite salle”. Free entrance. “Non merci je n’ai pas besoin d’une nouvelle chaise.” On entend souvent cette réponse quand on se présente en tant que designer. Dans ce contexte (français), un débat sur les pratiques non-conventionnelles du design est plus que… Poursuivre la lecture “No thanks I don’t need a new chair.” – Oblique design practices, debate @Centre-pompidou Paris

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May 9th : CoDesign Lab @ Strate Research

Tiphaine Kazi-Tani will take part to the ultimate session of the annual Strate Reserch seminar, at Strate School of Design. Backing up on some seminal thoughts by W. Benjamin, A. Mendini, A. Branzi and J. Derrida, her talk, entitled “De quel côté être ? Du design, de l’expérience, du design d’expérience“, will question experience turned… Poursuivre la lecture May 9th : CoDesign Lab @ Strate Research

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Presentation at INRIA Bordeaux | 8th of July

Emeline will be doing  a presentation on design and research at INRIA, Bordeaux, on the 8th of July, 10h30, answering the invitation of Anke Brock. She will present a serie of examples of how designers do research, research do with designers and the different possibilities Design [+][-][x] Research offer. Click to read the abstract (in french).

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Misbehaving & Design : A Workshop for the SIG Design Theory

From the 26th to the 27th of January 2015, the annual meeting of the SIG Design Theory was held in Mines ParisTech, Paris.  At this occasion, Annie Gentès and Emeline Brulé organised a workshop about Misbehaving Objects. The brief was the following: “In societies with high conceptive capacity, objects and techniques have multiple identities. This… Poursuivre la lecture Misbehaving & Design : A Workshop for the SIG Design Theory


Tiphaine Kazi-Tani was invited to present our « Misbehaving » research topic in Liège, at Les Ateliers de la Recherche en Design (ARD9). She summed up our questions and focused on our current conceptual issues. Link to the slides : Misbehaving & Design at ARD9

Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)

Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar) Today, October the 2nd 2014, was the first seminar of “Design en Recherche”, the association of french Ph.D. students and recent doctors – untitled “Should we write the methods of design research?”. Seminar coordinated by Robin de Mourat (Université Rennes 2), Ioana Ocnarescu (École Nationale Supérieure… Poursuivre la lecture Should we write the methods of design research? (Seminar)