Digital Creation’10 – Students’ Works

The chosen issue for the 2010 digital creation course was how to interact with objects that you cannot touch, specially with ones from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs’s collections. Students of Telecom ParisTech had to produce representations and scenarios of use who poetically explore the potentials of new media but also of photography, video and… Poursuivre la lecture Digital Creation’10 – Students’ Works

Dispositifs innovants, nouvelles médiations pour l’exposition Monet 2010

L’exposition rétrospective “Claude Monet – 1840 – 1926” a ouvert ses portes aux galeries nationales du grand palais depuis le 22 septembre 2010. Cette manifestation est co-produite par la Réunion des Musées Nationaux et le Musée d’Orsay. Le Conseil pour la Création Artistique (CCA) a sollicité le département audiovisuel/multimédia de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux… Poursuivre la lecture Dispositifs innovants, nouvelles médiations pour l’exposition Monet 2010

Ubimedia-Bells Labs Application Research

  Researching Application Research: my Stay with the Application Research Department in Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs “It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame”. Marshall McLuhan “Application” research is one the trickiest fields as it relies on technologies that are to be identified, analyzed, not… Poursuivre la lecture Ubimedia-Bells Labs Application Research

(Communication) Invention, création et recherche : l’exemple d’un projet disciplinaire technologique au Musée des Arts et Métiers

(Communication) Invention, création et recherche : l’exemple d’un projet disciplinaire technologique au Musée des Arts et Métiers Abstract Publication en cours / Working paper Le projet de recherche PLUG a rassemblé des chercheurs en informatique et réseau, en sciences de l’information et de la communication, en design, des responsables de collection et des actions pédagogiques… Poursuivre la lecture (Communication) Invention, création et recherche : l’exemple d’un projet disciplinaire technologique au Musée des Arts et Métiers

(Publication) Visiteur ou joueur ? Les multiples facettes de la technologie RFID.

(Publication) Visiteur ou joueur ? Les multiples facettes de la technologie RFID. Jutant, C., Guyot, A., Gentes, A. (2010). Visiteur ou joueur ? Les multiples facettes de la technologie RFID. La Lettre de l’OCIM Abstract Le projet de recherche « Play Ubiquitous Game and PLay more » (PLUG), expérimenté, dans sa première version, au musée… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) Visiteur ou joueur ? Les multiples facettes de la technologie RFID.

(Communication) Co-Design: Shaping the future og ICT techologies and service

(Communication) Co-Design: Shaping the future og ICT techologies and service Demeure, I., Gentes, A. (2010). Co-Design: Shaping the future of ICT techologies and service. Future Challenges in Sciences and Technologies. One of the main challenges today is to analyze precisely how engineering research can include some insight from social sciences. Our demonstration is that a… Poursuivre la lecture (Communication) Co-Design: Shaping the future og ICT techologies and service

(Communication) Presenting CodesignLab at Seminar at MinesParisTech: chair “theory and methods of innovative design”

(Communication) Presenting CodesignLab at Seminar at MinesParisTech: chair “theory and methods of innovative design” Gentes, A. (2010). Presenting CodesignLab at Seminar at MinesParisTech: chair “theory and methods of innovative design”. Paris Abstract The engineering design and innovation program at Mines ParisTech, (research institute, engineering school and member of ParisTech), is based on recent transformations of… Poursuivre la lecture (Communication) Presenting CodesignLab at Seminar at MinesParisTech: chair “theory and methods of innovative design”

(Publication) Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions

(Publication) Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions Gentes, A. (2010). Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions. in Journal of Human Mediated Interactions, Vol.10, n°1, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Khaldoun Zreik (ed.). Download link More on : Abstract In human interactions, translation stands apart both as a specific work on language… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions

IT Design course

The ICT design course is organized by 3 schools : TELECOM ParisTech, ENSCI-Les Ateliers ( and Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne. It is about : design and its relations to the technical artefact, design & innovation methodologies. » more on the pedagocical website IT Design ’10: Designing for linguistic and cultural diversity In 2010 we… Poursuivre la lecture IT Design course

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Digital Creation

This course aims at: observing contemporary aesthetics and analyzing works of art questioning the specificity of digital arts. developping students’ creativity through a personal poetic multimedia project. » more on the pedagogical website Each year students work on a different theme. Digital Creation ’10 : « Forbidden Touch in Museums » The chosen issue for… Poursuivre la lecture Digital Creation

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