The chosen issue for the 2010 digital creation course was how to interact with objects that you cannot touch, specially with ones from the Musée des Arts Décoratifs’s collections. Students of Telecom ParisTech had to produce representations and scenarios of use who poetically explore the potentials of new media but also of photography, video and… Poursuivre la lecture Digital Creation’10 – Students’ Works
Catégorie : Digital Creation
This course aims at:
– observing contemporary aesthetics and analyzing works of art
– questioning the specificity of digital arts.
– developping students’ creativity through a personal poetic multimedia project.
Past years themes were : “new times, new portraits” and “augmented city”.
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Digital Arts’08
TELECOM ParisTech Students’ works : gallery of digital portraits designed during the Digital Arts lesson. I.R.L. (In Real Life) – Jean-Pierre Lozi & Joseph Abdo’s project
Digital Arts ’09
Digital Arts ’09 students worked on their visions of the “Augmented City”.