Tiphaine Kazi-Tani will take part to the ultimate session of the annual Strate Reserch seminar, at Strate School of Design.
Backing up on some seminal thoughts by W. Benjamin, A. Mendini, A. Branzi and J. Derrida, her talk, entitled “De quel côté être ? Du design, de l’expérience, du design d’expérience“, will question experience turned to a profitable incentive within a capitalistic framework.
Strate Research 2015-2016 Seminar : Expérience / Design #4
Lecturers : Tiphaine Kazi-Tani, Yann Aucompte, Bastien Kerspern & Estelle Hary.
Chaired by Estelle Berger.
Monday 09.05.2016, 5-7 PM
@ Strate School of Design
27 av de la Division Leclerc – 92310 Sèvres