Traditore de Louis-Jean Teitelbaum Une application pour Ipad qui optimise le travail de traduction. plus d’infos sur :
Auteur/autrice : Annie Gentès
From Scattered Workflows to Intelligent Theatres of Virtual Beings
[slideshare id=4570638&doc=3dlifekeynotegentesguyotv1-100622043716-phpapp01]
Richard Harper – Engineering Sociology
Why sociologists should learn about engineering. An inspiring talk about the way disciplines look at things by Richard Harper, Professor of Socio-Digital Systems, Principal Researcher, Socio-Digital Systems, Microsoft Research, Cambridge. A video of his presentation in Telecom ParisTech:
Research Project: “Regards Augmentés”
Forbidden Touch and New Media in Museums The co-design lab works on a research project taking place within the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. ENSCI website: Our focus on the project is how to interact with objects that you cannot touch. We are producing representations and scenarios of use with the students… Poursuivre la lecture Research Project: “Regards Augmentés”
Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”
The engineering design and innovation program at Mines ParisTech, (research institute, engineering school and member of ParisTech), is based on recent transformations of design in companies, which have put the established engineering design methods, used in companies and taught in engineering schools, into question. Innovative design has emerged as a new contemporary challenge for the… Poursuivre la lecture Seminar at MinesParisTech : chair “theory and methods of innovative design”
Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions
Annie Gentes, in Journal of Human Mediated Interactions, Vol.10, n°1, Sylvie Leleu-Merviel, Khaldoun Zreik (ed.), 2010. a Abstract: In human interactions, translation stands apart both as a specific work on language but also as a reflexive situation of communication. Traductology studies not only languages and interlinguistic uses, but also questions the translating process as a mediation. In this… Poursuivre la lecture Translation as interlinguistic mediation and creation of human interactions
Co-design: an example of a co-designed research project
One of the main challenges today is to analyze precisely how engineering research can include some insight from social sciences. Our demonstration is that a third party is needed: media and design research. [slideshare id=3584669&doc=codesignathenscoursegentes-100329080702-phpapp01]
Sans titre
Le City Wall Aix-Marseille — PACA Labs : Promouvoir les TIC et linnovation en Provence-Alpes-Côte dAzur Le projet consiste à la conception et l’expérimentation d’un city wall, dans les villes d’Aix en Provence et Marseille. Il s’agit de réfléchir à la façon de coopérer dans le travail autour de cet objet: quelles sont les conditions de la collaboration multi-acteurs?… Poursuivre la lecture Sans titre
Design Issues in 3d Environments
In the context of 3DLife, European Network of Excellence (2010-2013), we propose to consider what could be a virtual space of mediation, where the different research partners could meet and exchange. The problem in IT research projects that involve partners located all over Europe is to manage distances, to ensure the coordination of activities, to… Poursuivre la lecture Design Issues in 3d Environments
ANR PROJECT // 2007-2009 / Musée des Arts et Métiers / Cédric CNAM / Orange / Tetraedge / TELECOM Management SudParis / TELECOM ParisTech The PLUG project dealt with the way pervasive computing could change our experience of the museum. We designed for this project a pervasive game for the Musée des Arts et Métiers-Paris,… Poursuivre la lecture PLUG