Fred – PhD Candidate Supervision : Annie Gentès Bio Frédéric Valentin is a PhD candidate in the Codesign Lab at Telecom Paris tech since 2014. Frédéric Graduated from école Boulle in product design and from ENS (école Normale Supérieure) de Cachan. His researches take interests in the impact of auto-production (both the means of… Poursuivre la lecture Frederic Valentin, PhD Candidate
Auteur/autrice : Annie Gentès
Anthony Ferretti, Research associate
Anthony Ferretti – Research associate Designer and co-founder of Collectif Bam | Research associate in CoDesign & Media Studies Lab, at Telecom ParisTech. Bio: Anthony Ferretti is an associate researcher of the CoDesign & Media Studies Lab at Telecom ParisTech. Graduated from ENSAAMA – Olivier de Serres (MA Industrial Design), and Paris 1 – Sorbonne (MA Design… Poursuivre la lecture Anthony Ferretti, Research associate
(Publication) Design, meaning making and constructive fixation : Conceptualizing semiotic conditions to the process of designing.
(Publication) Design, meaning making and constructive fixation : Conceptualizing semiotic conditions to the process of designing. Jutant, Camille, Gentes, Annie, Béjean, Mathias, & Mivielle, Cédric. (2013). Design, meaning making and constructive fixation : Conceptualizing semiotic conditions to the process of designing (p. 3509‑3519). Presented at IASDR, Tokyo, Japon. (Download Link) More info: Abstract Current… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) Design, meaning making and constructive fixation : Conceptualizing semiotic conditions to the process of designing.
(Publication) The CO-SI Card method: how to refine and validate concepts through a scenario generator framework.
(Publication) The CO-SI Card method: how to refine and validate concepts through a scenario generator framework. Mivielle, Cédric, Mauduit, Maxence, & Gentes, Annie. (2013). The CO-SI Card method: how to refine and validate concepts through a scenario generator framework (p. 4477‑4488). Presented at IASDR, Tokyo, Japon. (Download Link) More info: Abstract This paper describes a design… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) The CO-SI Card method: how to refine and validate concepts through a scenario generator framework.
Justė Pečiulytė, Research associate
Justė – Research associate BIO Justė Pečiulytė is a research affiliated to the Codesign Lab at Telecom ParisTech since 2014. Justé graduated from Université Paris 1 La Sorbonne in with a MA “Design, Media, Technology” focusing on Design and Environments. RESEARCH TOPIC My research concerns how practitioners in diverse disciplines modify the living environment through… Poursuivre la lecture Justė Pečiulytė, Research associate
EnsadLab Seminar
. This course is given to EnsadLab/ Sociable Media (2013-14) List of talks: Writing papers Rhetoric & paper analysis Introduction to qualitative methodologies Analysis of Wendy’s papers Methods for analysing artefacts Using methods SLideshare to be uploaded soon Back to the courses list
(Publication) The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact
(Publication) The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact Mollon, M., & Gentes, A. (2014). The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact (pp. 1–13). Presented at the Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Consortium (DRS), Umeå, Sweden. (Download Link) More info: Abstract… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact
Codesign Lab at Women@the Frontiere 2013
Notre groupe était présent à l’évènement Women at the frontier organisé par Google à Paris en novembre 2013. Ci-dessous, l’image du flyer mis à disposition pour présenter le CoDesign Lab à cette occasion. Peut-on designer les émotions ? Comment le design tisse-t-il des liens entre passé, présent et futur ? Est-ce que le design est… Poursuivre la lecture Codesign Lab at Women@the Frontiere 2013
Tiphaine, Research associate
Tiphaine Kazi-Tani – Research Associate As a researcher, I’m currently trying to use a critical and philosophical framework to explore design as “dispositif”, but also the possibilities for design to resist hegemonic arrangements, considering that the historical role of design has always engaged its agency within apparatuses of power and knowledge. I explore informal /… Poursuivre la lecture Tiphaine, Research associate
Camille, PhD Alumni
Camille Jutant – PhD, Alumni Camille Jutant is Associate Professor (Maître de conférences) at ICOM, in the Information and Communication Research Team ELICO. She’s also head of the Master “Développement de projets artistiques et culturels internationaux” (Development of international artistic and cultural projects) at the University of Lyon 2. RESEARCH TOPICS Publics and cultural experiences: Publics et… Poursuivre la lecture Camille, PhD Alumni