François, Alumni & Research Associate



François Huguet –Alumni & Research Associate

PhD in Digital Humanities (Media Studies / Sociology / Infrastructures Studies) –

Research Topic:

Communities, Commons, inverse infrastructures, ideologies, MESH networks, distributed architectures, values, devices as infrastructures networks, invention, research imaginary, Commotion, Community wireless networks, mobile peer-to-peer.

Bio [EN]:

PhD in Media Studies, my work takes place at the articulation of Science and Technology Studies, Anthropology of Communication and Cultural Studies. My research foregrounds the practical and political dimensions of information infrastructures, which take a crucial part, even though mostly invisible, in contemporary societies.

I study Community Technology projects – locally-led and organized initiatives that demystify and open technology up for all kinds of people to use and modify. These projects aren’t just about dropping a technology into a local place; each one involves a combination of tech know-how with local relationships, knowledge, and organizing processes. The technology project is an opportunity for the community to work together to build a healthy digital ecosystem, rather than an end in itself.

Bio [FR]:

Docteur en sciences sociales de Telecom ParisTech, je travaille à l’intersection des sciences de l’information et de la communication, de l’anthropologie de la communication et de l’ethnographie des technologies de coopération.

En juin 2016, j’ai soutenu une thèse consacrée aux réseaux communautaires sans fil et aux agencements d’actants qui les entourent. J’y analyse les modes d’existence de plusieurs types de logiciel MESH mais également les principes socio-culturels et politico-civiques que ces dispositifs dessinent (à la fois au sein de l’écologie globale d’Internet et dans les environnements locaux où il est déployé).

Labs details:

TelecomParistech / Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (SES)- UMR i3 (9217) / CodesignLab & Media Studies are my academic lab.
Adam was my research project.

My Lab is included in the interdisciplinary institute on innovation (i3) which conducts a broad range of interdisciplinary research related to innovation, involving 180 economists, manager scholars, sociologists, psychologists, ergonomists and researchers in information and communication sciences from MINES ParisTech and TELECOM ParisTech, two engineering schools of the Institut Mines-Télécom.

Contact & External links:

francois.huguet [at]



Personal website

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