Max Mollon – PhD Candidate
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I am a designer researcher, teacher and Ph.D. candidate,
at SACRe PSL/ EnsadLab and Telecom ParisTech’s Codesign & Media Studies Lab, with a MFA from HEAD–Geneva, University of Arts and Design’s media design program.
Discipline: design and information & communication sciences,
Supervision: Annie Gentès, Emmanuel Mahé & Remy Bourganel
Ph.D. start: nov2012, end: 2019
Biography UK
- Sometimes described as a futurist specialised in itching hair, Max Mollon probes f(r)ictional futures, brings back various conversation pieces from it, and confronts them to ethical and social debates. Max is also a designer, teacher at Science-Po, researcher at PSL/EnsadLab and member of the scientific committee of the Design and Innovative Public Action Research Chair (École du design de Nantes 2017).
- His works have been dedicated to design fiction since 2010 and will be punctuated by 7 years of doctoral research in 2019—a thesis strongly anchored in the practice of design. They allowed him to create in 2017 a mensual seminar, the first third-place of participatory research on these practices in France (the Design Fiction Club).
- Trained in Switzerland (HEAD-Geneva, 2010), he gradually moved away from R&D (OrangeLabs, Bell-Labs) and international design exhibitions (St-Etienne 2013, Milan 2010, 2011, Lift-Geneva 2010, 2013), and founded What if?, a design for debate bureau, in 2014. The latter accompanies public consultation missions (for ethics commissions), internal debates (for INRA research labs), or explores major issues not addressed by politics (including the project, 2017 and, 2018).
- Currently undertaking a residency at Gaîté-Lyrique, a cultural establishment of the City of Paris dedicated to arts/technologies/society issues, he is also a lecturer and notably talked at the Centre-Pompidou and TEDx.
Biographie FR
- Parfois décrit comme un futurologue spécialisé dans le poil à gratter, Max Mollon sonde des futures f(r)ictionnels, en ramène diverses pièces à conversation, et les confronte au débat éthique et social. Max est également designer, enseignant à Science-Po, chercheur à PSL/EnsadLab et membre du conseil scientifique de la chaire de recherche Design et Action Publique Innovante (École du design de Nantes 2017).
- Diplômé en Suisse (master Media Design, HEAD-Genève, 2010), il s’éloigne progressivement de la R&D (Orange-Labs, Bell-Labs) et des expositions internationales (St-Etienne 2013, Milan 2010, 2011, Lift-Geneva 2010, 2013), et fonde le bureau What if?, agent provocateur du débat public depuis 2014. Ses travaux sont dédiés au design fiction* depuis 2010; fondateurs en 2017 d’un séminaire mensuel et premier tiers lieu de recherche participative sur ces pratiques émergentes (le Design fiction club); et sanctionnés par 7 ans de thèse de doctorat en 2019.
- Fort d’une expertise unique en France en animation d’ateliers d’anticipation et de débats spéculatifs, il lance plusieurs projets de débat public sur la question des grandes problématiques non-adressées par le politique, dont le projet (2017) et (2018).
- Actuellement en résidence à la Gaîté-Lyrique, un établissement culturel de la Ville de Paris dédié à la rencontre entre les arts, les technologies et la société, il est également conférencier et intervient notamment au Centre-Pompidou et TEDx
* Le “design fiction” à l’instar de la science fiction, représente en quoi le monde peut changer, afin de nous y faire réfléchir. Un exemple populaire, qui emprunte au design fiction, est la série “Black Mirror”.
As the list below is not up to date, please find my full list of communications here + Academia + ResearchGate
Papers, book chapters
Mollon, M., & Gentes, A. (2014). The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact (pp. 1–13). Presented at the Proceedings of the Design Research Society International Consortium (DRS), Umeå, Sweden.
Conference Workshops & Talk presentations
Mollon, M. (2014). Introduction to Auger’s Speculative Design. In E. Brulé & S. Fredriksson (Eds.), (pp. 1–28). Presented at the REWU#14, Gaité-Lyrique, Paris (06th June).
Mollon, M. (2014). Design, Art and Symbolic Enigmas: Uncanny artefacts. In A. Gentes (Ed.), (pp. 1–80). Presented at the 7th SIG Design Theory, Mines Paristech, Paris (27- 28th Jan.).
Mollon, M. (2012). Vivre ensemble à distance (pp. 1–56). Presented at the PSL/ SACRe’s Doctorate Kick-Off exhibition, Ensad, Paris (09th Nov.).