Cedric, PhD Candidate


Cedric Mivielle – PhD Candidate

Interaction design researcher by practice, PhD Candidate at TelecomParistech & Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs – Supervision: Annie Gentes / Nicolas Auray / Jean Baptiste Labrune


Cédric Mivielle is a designer from « Ecole de Design de Nantes Atlantique », specialized in interaction design and innovative digital services and is also graduate from « Ecole Supérieure des Arts et Métiers » ; He is a PhD student in Media sciences and Design, at Telecom ParisTech and Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs.


Subject : Attention, creation, thinking: the playful experience of ubiquitous computing.
His dissertation will discuss the design of user’s experience in the context of ubiquitous computing. He considers how spatial and temporal dimensions provide new modes of interaction and narratives, and how they impact  the user’s digital practices. Specifically, his research will question the issue of playfulness that has become a moto for designing pervasive applications and services. He wants to unravel the history of the concept in computer science and applications to better understand who introduced the concept and for what reasons. From this historical background he will analyze the different definitions of playfulness comparing ethnological definitions with postmodern philosophical standpoints. This will allow us to develop a typology of « playfull stakes » that show how the concept is used to deny work, accompany learning, etc. this typology will also be based on the semiotic analysis of pervasive applications, and socio-technico observation of practices. Eventually he wants to understand what it means for design to incorporate the issue of playfullness by comparing traditional design to game design so as to provide a more comprehensive analysis of current changes of the Internet, web services around this concept and the introduction and diffusion of serious games.

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