Tiphaine, Research associate


Tiphaine Kazi-Tani – Research Associate

As a researcher, I’m currently trying to use a critical and philosophical framework to explore design as “dispositif”, but also the possibilities for design to resist hegemonic arrangements, considering that the historical role of design has always engaged its agency within apparatuses of power and knowledge.

I explore informal / non-expert practices of architecture and design (what I would call the designerly ways of mischief…), but also the ways design and design education may displace their own practice, discourse, narratives and methods to resist industrial, political and economic hegemony (…the mischievous ways of design).

Currently, my main research topics are:

– Skateboarding as a critical matrix for architecture, architectural design and urban planning
– Queer perspectives on industrial design
– “Misbehaving” and design
– The “Becoming-Minoritarian” of design
– The Pegagogies of Design




Graduated from ESAA Duperré (MFA Fashion Design & Environmental Design) and Paris 1-Sorbonne (MA Media Design Technologies), I’ve been a design educator for the past 10 years, building a more specific expertise in graphic design and architecture. In 2016-2017, I had the thrilling opportunity to be part of the curatorial team of the Biennale Internationale Design in Saint-Étienne.
When it comes to investigate design as a researcher, my favourite tools stand in the fields of critical theories, aesthetics and design history.

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