Annie, Lab Director

Annie, Lab Director

Annie Gentes, Lab Director

Annie Gentes is associate professor (Maître de conference HDR) in Information and Communication Sciences at Telecom ParisTech and Head of the Codesign and Media Studies Lab. She teaches a number of graduate courses in new media art, innovation and design and is co- head of the MA (M2 research) “Design, Media, Technology” with the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Creation Industrielle and the MA (M2 research) “Research in Design” with ENS Cachan and ENSCI.
Her research focuses on extreme design and ICT. She consequently works with artists, designers and researchers in engineering to understand their specific contribution and gamut of conceptive activities that turn a technology into a cultural artifact. She therefore has been involved in the production of works of art based on the internet since 2001 as well as academic and industrial research ICT research projects. In particular, she has worked on distributed architectures, peer to peer applications, and Virtual intelligent Agents to develop specific applications and services.

CV_Annie GENTES_2020_English


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