IT Design course

The ICT design course is organized by 3 schools : TELECOM ParisTech, ENSCI-Les Ateliers ( and Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne.
It is about :

  • design and its relations to the technical artefact,
  • design & innovation methodologies.

» more on the pedagocical website

IT Design ’10: Designing for linguistic and cultural diversity
In 2010 we chose to work specifically on the question of linguistic and cultural diversity and how to design services and interfaces that take into consideration the fact that we might be « Lost in Translation » for the better or for the worst.
In addition to classes on design methodology, we invited experts on this question: Philippe Lacour (starting an association on collaborative translation), Florence Gendrier (from the Ministery of Culture, in charge of language policies), Dana Diminescu (sociologist, specialist of the impact on ICT on migrations).

» see IT Design’10 speakers’ keynotes
» see the students’ works

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