
ANR PROJECT / COST 2102 ACTION // 2007-2010 / Institut Télécom, ImagineR

The Myblog 3D project was to foster mutual perception between internet users who communicate and share objects within a 3d virtual space. The demonstrator we designed for this project was a recruiting training tool.


Fostering interactions in 3d environments

The Myblog 3D project was to foster mutual perception between internet users who communicate and share objects within a 3d virtual space.

The Myblog 3D platform relied on the expertise of the different partners:

Imagine –R: collaborative environments with multimedia embedded documents and cinematic qualities
Gérard Chollet: spontaneous real time speech recognition in dialogs
Patrick Horain: user-friendly real time motion capture and face tracking with monoscopic computer viso
Catherine Pélachaud: real time characterization of distinctive ECA within embodied interactions between users, avatars and ECA


From technical features to training applications: the design of the demonstrator

We interviewed the different partners to understand the specific properties of the Myblog 3d technology and how to turn its technical features into potential services.    

Observations of practices in 3d environments and virtual worlds also helped us define an application that was relevant.

The innovations brought by Myblog3d were the transcription in real time of one’s gestures and emotions on a 3d avatar and its interaction with smart ECAs. To us, Myblog 3D offered interesting features for the development of training applications: it enabled to face one-self’s own behaviors and consider their impact on ultra sensitive ECAs.

We imagined different scenarios proposing the user to interact with an ECA through  negotiation, relaxation, seduction, integration etc… Through these scenarios, the ECA had different statuses: it could be a third person, a referee, a mediator, a partner, a guide…

Namely, we used the Myblog 3d platform as a recruiting training tool. We met some people from the HR dpt. in order to specify the scenario and build a database about the words, the codes used during these recruiting interviews.

Once the functionalities and the end-users requirements defined, we worked on the techno-semiotic interface of the application: how to represent and organize these functionalities on screen? How to propose a seamless design of the interface, which enhances manipulation and appropriation of the application?

The 3d virtual space became an interview room, the user, an avatar and the recruiter, an ECA. We focused on questions about the framing stage, the temporality of actions, the multimodality of the media to propose a powerful application.


more on :

>> Livrable ANR : Définition du démonstrateur

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