La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay.

La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay. On october 15 and 16 a colloquium took place in ENS (école normale supérieure) de Cachan on design research as a potential issue for Université Paris-Saclay. The project was initiated by the Design department of ENS Cachan to assure its orientation toward research and to question… Poursuivre la lecture La Recherche en Design, un Enjeu pour l’Université Paris-Saclay.

Émeline Brulé – PhD Student

Émeline Brulé – PhD Student Supervision: Annie Gentès Bio: Since september 2014, Émeline Brulé is a PhD candidate in Media Studies in the Codesign Lab at Telecom ParisTech. She graduated from “École de Recherche Graphique” of Brussels in 2012 and has been working as an interactive designer ever since. She’s also part of EnsadLab, the… Poursuivre la lecture Émeline Brulé – PhD Student

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