(Publication) RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions Gentes, A., Jutant, C., Guyot, A., Simatic, M. (2009). RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions. Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (IADIS), Algarve, Portugal, June 17 – 23. Download Link Abstract This paper presents a specific application of the RFID technology: the game Plug Secrets of the… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions
Auteur/autrice : Annie Gentès
(Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design
(Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design Gentes, A., Guyot-Mbodji, A., Demeure, I. (2008). Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design. Mindtrek 2008, October 6-9, Tampere, Finland. Download Link Download Link – Springer Version Abstract In this paper,… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design
(Publication) Second Life, une mise en jeu des médias
(Publication) Second Life, une mise en jeu des médias Gentès, A. (2007). Second Life, une mise en jeu des médias. Ed. Les Petits Matins, sous la direction d’Agnès de Cayeux et de Cécile Guibert, October. Download link
(Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works?
(Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works? Bourgatte, M. (2006). To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works?