(Publication) RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions

(Publication) RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions Gentes, A., Jutant, C., Guyot, A., Simatic, M. (2009). RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions. Multi conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (IADIS), Algarve, Portugal, June 17 – 23. Download Link Abstract This paper presents a specific application of the RFID technology: the game “Plug – Secrets of the… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) RFID Technology: Fostering Human Interactions

(Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design

(Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design Gentes, A., Guyot-Mbodji, A., Demeure, I. (2008). Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design. Mindtrek 2008, October 6-9, Tampere, Finland. Download Link Download Link – Springer Version Abstract In this paper,… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) Gaming on the move: Urban Experience as a New Paradigm for Mobile Pervasive Game Design

(Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works?

(Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works? Bourgatte, M. (2006). To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group… Poursuivre la lecture (Publication) To be or not to be: does making the choice of an alternative type of programming mean weaving a special relationship with a group of artistic works?