Misbehaving & Design : A Workshop for the SIG Design Theory

From the 26th to the 27th of January 2015, the annual meeting of the SIG Design Theory was held in Mines ParisTech, Paris.  At this occasion, Annie Gentès and Emeline Brulé organised a workshop about Misbehaving Objects.

The brief was the following: “In societies with high conceptive capacity, objects and techniques have multiple identities. This workshop focuses on misbehaving objects that defy our interpretive skills and social norms. Conceived by artists, scientists, or designers, these misbehaving objects unsettle our expectations in terms of social propriety, sleek aesthetics, or political legitimacy. In this workshop we will explore how these objects challenge design theories and education.”

The concept of Misbehaving was introduced, along with a portfolio of examples. Participants were then asked to map the various concepts concretized by misbehaving objects, and to discuss their production.



All the identified concepts and ideas were then discussed among the participants, and resumed on this board.



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