Ubimedia-Bells Labs Application Research


Annie Gentes at Bell Labs

Researching Application Research: my Stay with the Application Research Department in Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs

“It is the framework which changes with each new technology and not just the picture within the frame”. Marshall McLuhan

“Application” research is one the trickiest fields as it relies on technologies that are to be identified, analyzed, not only for what they have been doing so far but also for their potential in terms of use and aesthetics. Application research must also look at people’s practices,  social and cultural environments,  learning desires and processes, working patterns and essential pleasure . Eventually, the application bridges the gap between people engaged in an activities but also making sense of the world and experiencing it and  information and communication technologies  that challenge perceptions, representations, relations.

Work in progress: two papers with Bruno Aïdan, Paul Labrogère, Fredérique Pain, Natalie Ebenreuter (and the help of many others)

– The Evolution of networks: architecture, data, visualisation, social networks

– Computer mediated conversations and the challenges for Interaction Design

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