You can now watch the different talks of the ADAM final symposium online (this research project involved Annie Gentès & François Huguet from our Lab).
The research program ADAM (Distributed Architectures and Multimedia Applications) studied the technical, political, social, socio-cultural and legal implications of distributed network architectures. This term indicates a type of network bearing several features: a network made of multiple computing units, capable to achieve its objective by sharing resources and tasks, able to tolerate the failure of individual nodes and thus not subjected to single points of failure, and able to scale flexibly. Beyond this simplified operational definition, the choice, by developers and engineers of Internet-based services, to develop these architectures instead of today’s widespread centralized models, has several implications for the daily use of online services and for the rights of Internet users.
All of the conference’s presentation (+Keynotes) were filmed, and part of the debates is now available on a dedicated Dailymotion chanel.