Context: e-learning again?

The emergence of the Internet has opened up many opportunities for distance learning. Hundreds of initiatives have been launched either by institutions involved in formal learning or by organizations interested by unformal learning These platforms either complete face to face classes or operate in total autonomy. Introducing such a platform in a learning situation fundamentally changes the relationship trainer / learner but also the practice of learning related to time and space, the dynamics of ownership and legitimacy of knowledge.

From asynchrone to synchrone learning: creating a sense of togetherness
Until then, most platforms operated asynchronously. Here, we analyze the development of a dedicated virtual classroom, that is to say, synchronous services that try to recreate the fundamentals of a classroom atmosphere. In particular we work on such stakes as: the importance of collective communication in real time, tools for collaboration, creating a sense of presence.

This is a research at the crossroad of design research (Cédric Mivielle), information and communication sciences (Marie Cambone) and educational sciences.

Our research areas are:
– How to recreate the remote presence?
– What the introduction of the device “platform” changes in the learning process?
– How to show all players involved in the learning process?
– Finally, how to set up collaborative work between learners?
Part of this work were made in the VUE project, financed by the FEDER, multidisciplinary partnership in Telecom ParisTech (the department of image processing (Jean-Claude Moissinac) and codesignlab and media studies (Marie Cambone, Cédric Mivielle). Definition of Online Learning (eLearning) given by the European Union, “the e-learning is the use of new multimedia technologies of the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating a beyond access to resources and services, other exchanges and remote collaboration. ”

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